Saturday, 9 May 2009

In the thick of it

So I have now completed 4 weeks on my feet. In short it is fantastic. This is worth waiting for. Happily I have been kept busy, often appearing in two courts a day and only having had one entire day out of court. As yet I have not received any cheques. Most of the clients I've represented seem nice too, there has only been one so far who I found a bit much to bear. He was high as a kite throughout our conference and proceedings, being far more worried about picking up his next script from the pharmacy. He was very lucky to avoid custody on that day, but I was not convinced he realised the reality of the situation he faced.

I am yet to do a trial, but it looks like I may get one next week. Fingers crossed I win my first one, but sometimes the forces are well and truely against you at the Magistrates court.

I know this post is a bit short, but life has shot along at break neck speed over the last month. Good luck to all those about to confront interview season. I may see a few of you at my set!



Barmaid said...

What can I say? I'm green with envy, but wish you all the very best, now you are well and truly on your way.

p.s. my word verification is 'pregi', now there's a turn up for the books:-)

Android said...

Good to hear that everything's going well.

Best of luck for your first trial! :)

barboy said...

Go, Bean, go, ra ra ra. Pleased to read you are more upbeat than before.

Minx said...

All the VERY best, Beanie, not only for your first trial, but for the remainder of your second six and beyond !( I am loathe to say the 'T' word because I am a bit superstitious!) :)

Swiss Tony said...

Well done PB, glad you are enjoying things.

Nice to see that the dream we are all striving for is not a nightmare!
